Crystals for Physical Well-Being

Crystal for Physical healing
Table of Contents
crystals for health

Crystals, originating deep within the earth, absorb the vitality and energy of our planet as they form. Each crystal resonates at a unique vibrational frequency higher than our own.

Regardless of their shape, crystals absorb, store, focus, and filter energy influencing both objects and beings. Engaging with these natural wonders can have a calming and restorative effect on the mind and body.

Crystals can also be used to clear away negative energy and attract positive vibrations. They also interact with our body’s energy centers, such as the chakras, offering holistic healing and balance restoration. They are believed to help alleviate ailments and realign the body’s vibrations. Many people find that being near crystals induces feelings of positivity and well-being, leading to physical improvements.

Here are the most suitable crystals to use for managing physical discomforts.

Why are different crystals used for different purposes?

crystals for health

You may be wondering why different crystals are recommended for various purposes?

The reason for this is that every crystal type has its own metaphysical properties, vibrational frequencies, and color, which interact differently with the human body or the environment. Auras, also known as the energetic field of the human body, interact with these frequencies. In addition, it is believed that certain crystal vibrations can influence the body’s energy centers, such as the chakras, possibly leading to physical, emotional, or spiritual healing if someone is in close proximity to or in contact with them.

Despite limited empirical evidence, some research suggests that psychological or placebo factors may be involved in crystal healing’s perceived benefits. Amethyst, for example, has provided mixed results in studies, with some demonstrating positive results and others producing placebo effects. So, as with so many things in life, trust your intuition and listen to your inner guidance.

Crystal healing is a subjective and personal practice. If you feel drawn to it, remember that approaching this simple yet valuable and promising practice with an open mind is key!

crystals for health

Addictive Personality

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: Amethyst & Smithsonite

Attributes: known as the “stone of sobriety”, promote self-control, enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.

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Crystal: Onyx

Attributes: gives strength and stamina, self confidence, enhances self-control and promotes wise decision-making.

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Crystal: Smithsonite

Attributes: is a powerful healing stone, valued for its detoxifying properties that release negative energy and support transformation. Whether you’re seeking to overcome addiction or enhance overall wellness, Smithsonite is a valuable addition to any healing practice. Assists in overcoming alcohol addiction. 

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Crystal: Tiger’s Eye

Attributes: Helps overcome addictive patterns.


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Crystal: Pink Tourmaline

Attributes: Enhances sensuality, promotes love and passion. It’s an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world.

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: Garnet

Attributes: Ignites passion, enhances sexuality.


crystals for health

: Celestite

Attributes: Enhances mental peace and tranquility by maintaining emotional balance and minimizing anxiety.

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Crystal: Howlite

Attributes: helps in reducing and removing frustrations and anger and calms the mind to help reduce anxiety and stress.

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Crystal: Shungite

Attributes: soothes anxiety

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Crystal: Hematite

Attributes: Due to its grounding qualities, hematite is the ideal stone for people who struggle with anxiety or feel ungrounded. It helps to promote a sense of calm and stability by anchoring one’s energy to the earth, allowing for clarity of thought.

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Crystal: Kunzite

Attributes: especially beneficial for those suffering from family trauma or PTSD due to its ability to heal energy in close relationships. By maintaining energetic boundaries, it allows for deeper connections without compromising emotional wellbeing.

Boost Energy

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: Orange Carnelian

Attributes: Provides a boost of  energy, motivation, and vitality.

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Crystal: Red Jasper

Attributes: Red Jasper helps with procrastination and taking action, and it can improve endurance when one is tired, feeling stagnant, unmotivated, or unfocused. Known as the “stone of energy,” Red Jasper can boost physical energy, especially in the afternoons.


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Crystal: Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite),

Attributes: Soothes burns, prevents scarring.

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: Quartz

Attributes: Soothes burns.

Digestive Issues

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l: Smithsonite, Amber

Attributes: Supports digestion, relieves digestive issues.

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: Carnelian

Attributes: helps with overcoming eating disorder.

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: Citrine

Attributes: It helps calm and enhance the digestive system.

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Attribute: Anxiety and depression impacts digestive health, amethyst crystal’s serene vibrations help promote relaxation and soothe digestive organs, particularly the liver and intestines.

Disease (Extract, Get Rid)

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: Amber

Attributes: Assists in eliminating disease, cleansing.

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Crystal: Tourmaline

Attributes: Helps remove disease energies, protective.

Endocrine System

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Crystal: Citrine

Attribute: brings hormones back in balance and support the endocrine system.

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: Pyrite

Attribute: stimulates a healthy endocrine system, digestive system boost metabolism and purify the body of infection, toxins and diseases.

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Crystal: Amber, Amethyst, Yellow Jasper, Pink Tourmaline, Fire Agate, Lapiz Lazuli, Aquamarine. 

Attribute: helps balance or stimulate the endocrine system in general.

Fertility & Sexuality

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: Lingam

Attributes: is thought to stimulate and balance sexual energy, promoting vitality and enhancing sexual experiences. It is often linked with the activation of the root and sacral chakras, which are associated with sexuality and creative energy.

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: Garnet

Attributes: Often linked to vitality, passion, and energy. It is believed to enhance sexual desire, intimacy, and overall sensuality by stimulating the root chakra and increasing energy levels.

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Crystal: Black Moonstone

Attributes: Known for its connection to the feminine energy and intuition. It is said to enhance emotional balance and self-awareness, which can indirectly influence one’s sense of sexuality and personal confidence.

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: Moonstone

Attributes: Good for reproductive organs and excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding.

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Crystal: Malachite

Attributes: known as the “Doula Stone,” is a powerful healer for feminine health, particularly the reproductive system and all phases of childbirth. It aids in alleviating menstrual issues, easing cramps, and supporting menopause.


crystals for health

Crystal: Amethyst

Attribute: Aids in focus, supports goal setting.

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Crystal: Hematite, Pyrite

Attributes: Helps collect your thoughts, very grounding and helps with circulatory system.

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Crystal: Labradorite

Attributes:  It sharpens focus, supports new beginnings, and illuminates your path through challenges.


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Attribute: cools the body and helps with fever reduction. Minimizes inflammation. in the body. Helps in healing nose, ears, and throat.

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: Aquamarine

Attribute: cools the body and helps with fever reduction. Minimizes inflammation. in the body. Helps in healing nose, ears, and throat.

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: kyanite

Attribute: Helps with fever.

Heart & Blood (Healing)

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Crystal: Bloodstone, Lapiz Lazuli

Attributes: Supports heart and blood healing. Supposrts endocrine, nervous, and immune system (Lapiz lazuli).

mune System Boosting

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crystals for health

Crystal: Bloodstone, Lapiz Lazuli

Attributes: Boosts immune system, vitality.

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Crystal: Malachite

Attributes: boosts the immune and nervous systems, lowers blood pressure, and treats conditions such as asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, vertigo, and tumors. It targets tumors by realigning and repairing DNA and cellular structures, making it useful in cancer treatment. Additionally, malachite stimulates the liver to release toxins and further enhances the immune system.


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crystals for health

Crystal: Amethyst. Blue Apatite

Attributes: Soothes migraine, relieves pain. eases vertigo and dizziness (blue apatite).

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Crystal: Lapis Lazuli

Attributes: Relieves migraine, vertigo, supports relaxation.


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Crystal: Fire Quartz

Attributes: boost memory, helps you feel focused and grounded.

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Crystal: Kyanite

Attributes: boost memory, helps you recall information.

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: Pyrite

Attributes: stimulates the mind and boost memory.

Logic & Intellectual Thinking

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: Sodalite

Attributes: Enhances logical thinking, mental clarity.

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: Citrine

Attributes: Stimulates intellectual and creative thinking, encouraging motivation, inspiration, and self-expression.

Pain Relief

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Crystal: Amber, Kyanite. Howlite

Attributes: Eases pain, supports healing.

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: Turquoise

Attributes: it reduces excess acidity, is anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and alleviates cramps and pain.

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: Obsidian

Attributes: Alleviates joint discomfort and mitigates the symptoms of arthritis.


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: Blue Lace Agate

Attributes: Enhances patience, tranquility.

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: Green Opal, Howlite

Attributes: Enhances patience. Releases anger (howlite).

Panic Attacks

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Crystal: Blue Lace Agate

Attributes: Alleviate anxiety and tension.

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Crystal: fire quartz

Attributes: Contains lithium, a natural anti-depressant that helps with panic attacks and depression.

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Crystal: Lepidolite (Especially Pink and purple, very rare)

Attributes: minimizing panic attacks and anxiety.

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Crystal: Sodalite and Turquoise

Attributes: calms the mind and releases panic attacks.

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Crystal: Smoky Quartz

Attributes: how to reduce panic attacks and harmful thoughts. Comes to mind. And with these negative thoughts associated with fear jealousy and anger.

Passion Ignition

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Crystal: Red Garnet

Attributes: Ignites passion and enhances sexuality. It represents love, revitalizes feelings, and brings warmth and passion to relationships.

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Crystal: Carnelian, Flower Agate

Attributes: brings romance, passion and boost libido.

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Crystal: Smoky Quartz

Attributes: how to reduce panic attacks and harmful thoughts. Comes to mind. And with these negative thoughts associated with fear jealousy and anger.


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crystals for health

Crystal: Bloodstone, Garnet

Attributes: can help you recover faster from a surgery or injury.


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Crystals: Sodalite, Howlite

Attributes: Eases insomnia, promotes restful sleep.

Use: Place under the pillow or in the four corners of the bed.

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Attributes: Supports sleep. For insomnia or nightmares.

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Attributes: Overcomes insomnia, improves sleep, mood, relaxation, calm, and emotional well-being.

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Crystal: Sodalite

Attributes:  promotes peaceful sleep and wards off nightmares and night terrors. It helps release fears of the unknown and  is renowned for promoting peace and tranquility.

Speech & Communication

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Crystal: Celestite

Attributes: minimizes anxiety and helps speaking in public. help individuals speak their truth with confidence and ease, while also promoting peaceful communication and understanding.  It’s also said to facilitate an angelic connection, that can help individuals connect with their higher selves and promote harmony in their lives.

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Crystal: Kyanite (Blue)

Attributes: encourages self expression and communication and speaking one’s truth, cutting through fears and blockages.

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Crystal: Turquoise

Attributes: Calms the nerves and helps in public speaking.

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: Angelite

Attributes: Angelic vibration, helps you speak your truth, find your voice. Activates the Throat Chakra, enhancing communication and self-expression.

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Attributes: Promotes clear and confident communication. A calming stone.

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: Amazonite

Attributes: Activates the Throat Chakra, enhancing clear and honest communication.  Helps express oneself authentically and confidently.  Useful for those who find it difficult to articulate thoughts and feelings.

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Crystal: Blue Calcite

Attribute:  improves communication, helping individuals express themselves clearly and effectively.

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Crystal: Blue Lace Agate

Attributes: Blue Lace Agate promotes clear communication and creative expression. It enhance communication, clarity, and peace, making it ideal for those who struggle with authentic self-expression.

Sick-Building Syndrome

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Attributes: treats illnesses caused by SBS or computer stress.

Throat (Thyroid)

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Crystal: Angelite,Pink Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli.

Attributes: supports endocrine system and help balance thyroid

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Crystal: Amber

Attributes: Heals throat problems

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Crystal: Larimar

Attributes: supports healthy thyroid and thymus gland.

Toxins (Remove)

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Attributes: Supports blood flow and circulation.

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Attributes: facilitates detoxification and purification, enhancing immune function and aiding skin in eliminating toxins.

Temper (Remove)

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Attributes: aids and removing stress and aggression, promote calmness and help control and release bad temper.

Weight Loss

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: Apatite

Attributes: Supports weight loss, motivation.

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Attributes: brings positive thoughts about your body weight.

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Attributes: someone overcome their eating disorder and disordered thinking.

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Crystal: Tigers Eye

Attributes: Keep true to yourself and give you will power to stick to your word.

Point of Alignment

In order to select the best healing crystal for your needs, it is important to understand the unique properties and abilities of each crystal. Take note of these three things as well:

INTENTION: When selecting a crystal, consider your intention—whether it’s for health concerns, mental clarity, or positivity in life. Trust your intuition to guide you toward the crystal that resonates with you, regardless of its size.

CRYSTAL CLEANSING: Cleansing your crystals regularly is crucial to remove negative energy and maintain their effectiveness. It can be achieved using various methods, such as burying them, rinsing them with spring water, or using sound, among others.

DEDICATE: Remember to dedicate your crystals to a specific purpose by setting intentions and visualizing desired outcomes regularly. The practice honors the inherent power of crystals and enhances their ability to promote healing and positive energy.

May your journey with healing crystals be filled with light, love, and warmth as you embrace their nurturing energy.
  • Rachel Hancock. (2022). The Ultimate Guide to Crystals: The Beginner’s Guide to Harnessing the Healing Energy of 100 Crystals and Stones
  • Judy Hall. (2003). The Crystal Bible (The Crystal Bible Series).

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