Crystals: The Power of Their Vibration To Shift Energy

Crystals healing vibration
Table of Contents

The Nature of Energy

At a basic level, if we were to examine what makes up a human body at a microscopic scale, we’d find a miniature structure of universe within us.  Our body is made of atoms, which are in turn made up of even smaller particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Matter, in any form, solid, liquid, or gas, is also made up of atoms and molecules.  Let’s start with matter! It is 99.9999999% empty space, and given that atoms are mostly empty space, why does anything feel solid?


Why Does Matter Feels Solid?

The answer is simple: energy! Energy flows in a wavelike pattern in an invisible quantum field through the universe and ourselves.

The easiest way to understand this is to think of an atom as a tiny solar system. At the center, you have a “sun” made of protons and neutrons, and “planets” made of electrons whirling around this sun.

Now, electrons (planets) are like miniature magnets, and they’re all negative, so they repel each other away. Imagine trying to push two magnets with the same sides together – they push back. As thy push each other apart, it prevents the atoms (solar system) from collapsing. Despite all the empty space between the atoms, those repelling electrons keep things from overlapping.



And that’s why when you touch things, they feel solid – because electrons in the atoms resist one another, creating a force that pushes back, causing a sensation of hardness, preventing passage, giving shape and structure, and inhibiting merging.

As with a fan with three solid blades rotating rapidly. Even though there is a small amount of empty space between them, the speed of rotation blurs the separation. Therefore, the empty space appears solid. Similarly, electrons moving rapidly within the atoms generate a negative charge that fills in the space, giving the object its solid appearance and feel.

Atoms and molecules vibrate constantly, each with a “specific frequency”. It is this characteristic that holds true for all natural substances, which is precisely why we are trying to make this point!

Humans have their our unique vibrational frequency, much like everything else in the universe. Theoretically, humans vibrate at different frequencies depending on their physical, mental, and emotional states. The average frequency range is typically between 62 and 68 Hz when healthy and in a state of balance.

Interestingly, it can be said that people with higher vibrations radiate love, peace, and compassion, whereas people with lower vibrations express more low-vibe feelings like anxiety, anger, envy, jealousy, fear, hate.  

Our vibration, or frequency, changes based on our interactions and exposure to the world around us. It is constantly influenced by people, social events, social media, the news, weather, work, the home environment, etc. 

Our planet vibrates at 7.83Hz within its core, while the crystals formed within vibrate at an even higher and extremely stable frequency of 32,768Hz. 

What Do Crystals Have To Do With The Structure Of Matter or Vibration?


In order to understand crystals how crystal work, one must understand the above.

Crystals have a stable vibrational frequency because their molecules are arranged in a fixed, repeating geometric pattern.

Crystals work because they have a stable and specific way of vibrating. This stability comes from their organized fixed arrangement of molecules. While humans have complex vibrations, crystals usually vibrate at just one frequency. This consistency allows them to keep their energy strong and steady.

When we bring crystals close to our bodies, something called “entrainment” happens. This means the stable energy of the crystal influences our energy, making it more balanced.

Crystals also act like energy amplifiers and translators. Imagine them as tuning forks that pick up energy and make it stronger. They can also change one type of energy into another. That’s why we use crystals in many things like watches and radios.

So, because of their stable vibrations and their ability to amplify and translate energy, crystals can help us align with specific energies we want to focus on, like our goals or intentions.

This stability of a crystal emits powerful energy, which affects the energies around it. This has a profound impact on “our” personal energy levels. This is why people are drawn to crystals, placing them in particular areas within rooms as decor, wearing them as jewelry, or carrying them around.

So What Exactly is a Crystal?


A crystal holds memories of powerful events and forces that have shaped our planet. It’s a chemical imprint of Earth’s evolution and contains information from millions of years ago when the planet was formed.  Regardless of their shape, crystals absorb, store, focus, and filter energy. Crystals are differentiated by their internal structure and mineral variety.

At the core of every crystal is an atom, which consists of small particles rotating rapidly around a center in constant motion. Even though crystals look serene on the surface, they are internally vibrating at high frequencies. This energy (frequency) gives the crystal its power!

This is a short clip about the living crystal “How does it work?”

What Are Crystals Used For?

A crystal has the power to alter and influence its environment. Wearing one or simply having one nearby can:

  • Enhance energy
  • Purify surroundings
  • Attract money
  • Boost intuition
  • Improve mental processes
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Dispel negativity
  • Attract opportunities
  • Amplify love
  • Manage chronic pain and stress
  • Aid in connecting with psychic realms.

… and more

How Crystals Work For Healing?


While crystal healing has no scientific basis, people continue to seek wellness through these energetically charged rocks. Using crystals requires a certain amount of trust, just as believing that a medication will work increases its effectiveness. Although you can’t observe how crystals work, they still exert an “unseen” energetic force.

These magnificent natural rocks formed on earth and within its core are charged with the energy of the planet and its elements. Each crystal vibrates at a particular frequency, which is generally higher than other physical matter, including the human body.

When exposed to these vibrations, objects and beings in close proximity experience physical and emotional changes. Due to their exceptional ability to store and emit energy, crystals are believed to interact with the body’s energy fields, including the chakras.

Chakras are energy centers in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, as are crystals. As crystals vibrate, they help balance and restore the body’s natural energy flow by connecting with the chakras.

For instance, if you have difficulty speaking up and expressing yourself, it may be related to your throat chakra. This chakra governs communications. A crystal associated with the throat chakra, such as aquamarine or blue lace agate, could help balance it.

As well as storing memories and information, crystals absorb the energy of the people and places around them. Therefore, it is essential to clean and recharge your crystals on a regular basis.

There is no right or wrong way to use crystals, so experiment with different ones and see what works for you. You can hold it, wear it, place it under your pillow, or use it for meditation.

Crystals: The Original Holistic Medicine

For thousands of years, crystals have been prized for more than their appearance. Each crystal holds sacred significance, such as its healing properties.

  • Acupuncture practitioners still use rose quartz-tipped needles to maximize healing.

  • Indian Ayurveda also uses crystals in modern medical prescriptions.

  • Crystals are piezoelectric, meaning they generate electricity and light when compressed. These properties are utilized in ultrasonic devices to produce sound waves capable of cauterizing wounds and breaking apart tumors without invasive surgery.  Shamans and therapists use crystals therapeutically because they concentrate light and sound vibrations.

  • Crystals can improve energy flow in our bodies by addressing blockages and deficiencies that cause pain. Crystals like Lapis Lazuli and Rose Quartz can promote calm, while others, like Carnelian, can boost energy. Regardless of the cause of pain, Cathedral Quartz is especially effective at reducing it.

  • A crystal containing copper can reduce inflammation and swelling, for instance. As a copper-rich stone, malachite eases arthritis and muscle tension.

  • By controlling bleeding, hematite is known to soothe the mind, aid sleep, and manage blood disorders. Modern crystal healers also use Hematite to address these concerns.

  • Magnetite has a dual effect of relaxing overly active organs and revitalizing sluggish ones.

Crystals: Powering Technology, Wellness, Skincare And Beyond!

Communication and Entertainment:

  • Oscillators are circuits that generate precise electronic signals using crystals that convert electrical vibrations into sound waves. In turn, these signals modulate (control) radio waves and sound waves.

  • Specific crystals, like quartz, have stable resonant frequencies. This means when an electric current is applied, they vibrate very consistently. It is this stable frequency that makes them ideal for oscillators in radios, televisions, and early sound recording devices.

Timekeeping and Other Technologies:

  • Crystals are still used in many devices for accurate timing. Electronic clocks and timers use their precise frequency as a reference point, serving as tiny tuning forks.

Sonar, Lasers, and Microscopes:

  • The crystals used in sonar and ultrasound are crucial components. They convert electrical signals into high-frequency sound waves. A laser uses crystals to amplify light and generate a coherent beam. Atomic microscopes have a special type of crystal tip to “see” atoms by detecting minute forces.

  • * Not many people know quartz crystals are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including sonars and ultrasound equipment, radios, and computers. In fact, Silicon Valley gets its name from quartz crystal deposits rich in silicon dioxide.

Skincare and Radiation:

  • The use of crystals in skincare hasn’t been scientifically validated, but powdered rose quartz, for example, may gently exfoliate the skin, while jade rollers can reduce puffiness and redness. ‘La Mer’ cleanser contains magnetized tourmaline, which energizes the skin and removes dirt and makeup.
  • Radiation comes in various forms, and crystals only interact with specific types of electromagnetic waves (light) at limited frequencies. Considering that crystals emit and absorb energy, they may be an effective way to reduce radiation. Tourmaline, sodalite, and rose quartz are just a few examples.

How To Choose The Best Healing Crystal For Your Needs:

Each crystal has its own properties and abilities. Birthstones are a great choice for beginners if you’re not sure which stone to wear; simply look up your birth date and see what stone corresponds with it! Some crystals are linked to specific regions of the body and organs.

Choose a crystal based on your goals!

A crystal can be chosen based on an intention; is there a health concern you wish to address? Do you need a clear head? Would you like to live a more positive life? You can find a guide to crystals here.

Trust your intuition when picking a crystal. The one that resonates with you will be the right choice. Remember that size doesn’t always correlate with power – small, rough crystals can be just as effective.

Why The Extra Step To Cleansing Crystals?

Unless you have Selenite, Citrine, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, or Kyanite (which don’t need cleansing), it’s important to clean your crystals often. This not only helps remove any negative energy they may have picked up but also keeps them working optimally. If you neglect cleaning them regularly, they will eventually become saturated and unable to function properly.

Six ways to clean your crystals. 

  1. Rinse them off with spring water. (except Selenite)
  2. Put your crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours.
  3. Bury them in the ground overnight.
  4. Use Sage for smudging (30 seconds or more)
  5. Salt water if you’re near an ocean.
  6. Use Sound: Sing, chant, singing bowls, or even a nice bell. (5 to 10 mins)

Like People, Crystals Need A Purpose

Dedicating a Crystal

Crystals work best when programmed and given a purpose. Because crystals are powerful beings in their own right, they should be respected. Dedicate your crystals to whatever purpose you wish.

Set an intention for it as you hold it in your hands and imagine it surrounded by a gentle light. Say out loud or in your mind what the purpose is, being as specific as possible. For example, if you’re looking to attract love, describe exactly the type of love relationship you desire.

If you are seeking healing, specify which conditions you are suffering from and detail what kind of outcome you hope for. Take a moment to visualize and reconnect with the purpose of your crystal every time you wear it, keep it in your pocket, or display it. Picture them creating love and light around you.

A Crystal Is Worth A Thousand Words

I hope this leaves you with a more clear understanding of how crystals work and why people are driven to them. They can realign subtle energies, dissolve disease, help to rebalance chakras that regulate body vibrations.

By being near crystals, you feel good, think positively, and feel better physically. That’s why many people use crystals to “center” their minds. To get started, take a look at our detailed guide on different purposes and what crystal will best suit them best!

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